Law Firm > Service


  • Criminal, JANG SHINN Law Firm


    Violation of the criminal law or relevant criminal regulations, the execution of the penalty has a huge impact on people's life, freedom, property, and civil rights. Under the premise of meeting the expectations of social fairness and justice, we act as an agent or advocate in various criminal cases at all stages of the investigation and trial procedures of criminal proceedings. # accompanying the investigation; # criminal incidental civil compensation for the plaintiff and accused; # car accident case; # juvenile matter; # offenses of causing bodily harm; # offenses against public safety; # negotiation、mediation

  • Civil, JANG SHINN Law Firm


    In the event of a civil dispute, in addition to providing representation in various civil cases, we pay more attention to that the parties can save money and time through negotiation, mediation, and reconciliation between the parties, and achieve the effect of settling disputes. # torts (e.g. car accident case); # ownership of the real property(e.g.real property transactions such as houses and land, lease, removal and restitution on real property, the partition of a thing held in indivision, suit for the right of way, registration of cancellation, etc.); # engineering contract case; # all kinds of civil litigation procedures such as an action brought for the satisfaction of the claim, mediation, reconciliation, the appeal, the interlocutory appeal; # non-contentious matters(promissory note ruling、promissory payment、auction of the mortgaged property, drafting and reviewing various contracts and legal attest letters); # the compulsory enforcement and provisional remedies proceedings(e.g. debtor objection suit 、the suit for objection against the distribution, third party objection suit, provisional attachment, provisional injunction, provisional execution).

  • Administrative, JANG SHINN Law Firm


    Public law deal with the relationship between the rights and obligations of the state and the people. The purpose of administrative litigation is to protect the rights and interests of the people and ensure the lawful exercise of state administrative power. We provide legal advice and litigation agency on the application of administrative regulations # administrative contract; # apeal of the administrative act; # administrative litigation; # state compensation; # government procurement.

  • Family Case, JANG SHINN Law Firm
    Family Case

    Family Case

    Compared with general litigation, family litigation mainly deals with legal issues between relatives. And often in a dysfunctional family, the issues are difficult to fully resolve by the end of the litigation. In practice, it is often related to privacy, right of status, high emotional conflicts, no absolute right or wrong, and the interests of third parties. Therefore, our handling of family cases focuses on reducing litigation, eliminating confrontation, repairing relationships, and promoting reconciliation, thereby achieving the goal of rebuilding family functions. # divorce agreements、mediation and litigation; # distributing the remainder of property of husband and wife; # dictated wills、witness; # request event due to inheritance relationship; # waiving the right to an inheritance; # commencement of guardianship, commencement of assistance; # the petition for protection orders; # ordering payment for expenses of maintenance; # determining/changing the exercise of rights or the assumption of duties with regard to the minor child.

  • Labor case, JANG SHINN Law Firm
    Labor case

    Labor case

    Harmonious labor relations are the foundation of business operations. However, in recent years, there have been obvious changes in the labor market, such as dispatched labor, remote work, and work from home. # consulting and planning of corporate labor regulations; # labor litigation and mediation agency(severance, occupational accidents); # review and drafting of labor contracts (work rules, non-disclosure covenant, and non-competition clauses, regulations of leave-taking of workers, etc.)

  • Intellectual Property Rights, JANG SHINN Law Firm
    Intellectual Property Rights

    Intellectual Property Rights

    With the rapid development of science and technology, and the continuous innovation and change of traditional industries, enterprises pay more and more attention to the protection of their own intellectual property rights. In conjunction with the intellectual property office, we will assist clients in protecting their research and development achievements in order to achieve the goal of sustainable operations of enterprises. # patent infringement remedy cases;#trademark infringement remedy cases; # convention infringement remedy cases; company confidentiality measures planning; # drafting and reviewing contracts related to intellectual property rights.

  • Corporate Law, JANG SHINN Law Firm
    Corporate Law

    Corporate Law

    The legal environment in which the government enacts various regulations that are mandatory for enterprises may cause business difficulties and crises for enterprises. With regard to company law and related regulations, we can provide corporate legal diagnostic services, legal compliance consulting, and advice on corporate governance, and assist in improving internal management regulations. # drafting of legal documents for listing, OTC ,and credit granting; # review and drafting of corporate transaction contracts; # attend shareholders meeting; # handling matters related to company reorganization, liquidation, and bankruptcy; # set up a legal department; # employee assistance program

  • Legal Advisor, JANG SHINN Law Firm
    Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    The company hires legal counsel, which can not only enhance the legal awareness of the enterprise, but also reduce the occurrence of legal risks. We act as legal counsel for many companies and have rich experience in legal practice, assessing the individual needs of clients and designing exclusive service content. # provide legal advice; # drafting and reviewing legal documents, various Chinese and English contracts; # assist in mediation, consultation, and negotiation; # provide corporate education and training; # issue legal opinion and demand letter; # attend the board of directors、shareholders meeting; # representation of various types of litigation; # assist with notarization and authentication